Intelligently warns you of adult search query and removes
adult autocomplete suggestions from your address bar.
High level of protection marks the search query that may lead you to search results of adult content with a warning symbol and removes the autocomplete suggestions that may lead you to adult content. It sends you to search for the potentially unsafe search term with your search engine's SafeSearch filter on.
Medium level of protection marks the autocomplete suggestions that may contain adult content, without removing any potentially unsafe autocomplete terms.
Once you turn the protection off, our extension will not mark and warn you of any potentially unsafe content from your search query or from the autocomplete suggestions. You may be exposed to unsafe adult content.
Web Protection for Chrome ™ is a Chrome browser extension. It scans your search query and the autocomplete suggestions to check if they contain potential adult search terms. Once a potential adult term is identified in your search query or autocomplete suggestions on the highest protection level, it will mark the search query with a warning symbol, send you to search with the SafeSearch filter on, and remove the unsafe autocomplete suggestions from your autocomplete suggestions.
Add to ChromeWeb Protection for Chrome ™ supports Google, Yahoo, and Bing as your search engines. Once the extension has been added to your Chrome browser, your default search engine will be modified to our private search domain myprivacykeeper.com, powered by Yahoo. If you want to select a different search engine, you can go to the Settings section of the extension and make the change.
The autocomplete function from the address bar is a very helpful tool for users to save the time of typing out an entire search query character by character. It is so convenient that you might completely let your guard down and click on any suggestion from it without giving it a second thought. Some seemingly innocent search terms might bring undesired and unexpected autocomplete suggestions that lead to explicit and hazardous adult content, and that is why Web Web Protection for Chrome ™ is here to help.
Add to ChromeWeb Protection for Chrome ™ is a Chrome extension that scans through your search query and autocomplete. Once the extension discovers a term in your search query that may lead to adult content, it will mark it with a warning symbol to warn you about it. You can also apply the highest level of protection, so once an unsafe adult term is detected in your autocomplete suggestions, our extension will remove it to prevent you from being exposed to adult search results.
Autocomplete suggestions for your search query are very helpful for you to perform a quick search without the need to type out the entire phrase character by character. However, sometimes adult and explicit content is hidden behind some of these autocomplete suggestions. In some cases, if you click on them by mistake, you will be exposed to the unsafe content. Our goal is to provide an alert so you can avoid exposure to undesired content.
Your feedback is highly appreciated by our product development team! We are working very hard to perfect our products and always appreciate the chance to make them better. If you find a bug in this extension, please contact us by submitting a feedback form on the Contact Us page.
The default search engine we offer to our users is one of the top search engines in the world. We are paid as an affiliate partner when our users use this search engine.
Please reach out to us by visiting the Contact Us section. We will be more than happy to help.
If you want to remove the extension, please see the instructions on the Uninstall page.
Yes, it is a free extension and can be found in the Chrome Web Store.
Our support and development team are very happy to help you. If you find a bug in our product or have technical issues using it, let us know.
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